(404) 793-0011 | drmaiysha@drmaiysha.com

How Neurolinguistic Programming Can Help Make Children More Resilient
Maiysha Claiborne MD
Dr Maiysha
If you have followed me for any length of time or watched any of my videos, you know that one of my primary messages is empowering emotional fluency and resilience in our young people. Having an 8-year son exposed to the language tools that I teach with NLP has shown me the enormous impact that these tools have on developing communication skills an...
Difference Between Trauma Aware, Trauma Sensitive, Trauma Informed, and Trauma Responsive: Understanding the Nuances
Maiysha Claiborne MD
Dr Maiysha
 When it comes to creating emotionally and psychologically safe and supportive environments for individuals who have experienced trauma, it's important to understand the lens of trauma. When talking about the trauma-informed journey, there are several terms that often come up: trauma-aware, trauma-sensitive, trauma-informed, and trauma-respons...
Why Organizations Need to Stop Ignoring the Topics of Trauma & Psychological Safety
Maiysha Claiborne MD
Dr Maiysha
If you can't see how trauma is showing up in your organization...between and staff, in day-to-day interactions with clients, in the communications with and between various identities, then your organization and leaders are operating in a major blind spot that is destroying the psychological safety of your culture and costing you productivity, creat...
Trauma Bonding and The Drama Triangle
Maiysha Claiborne MD
Dr Maiysha
There is a saying that my mom used to say growing up "what goes on in this house stays in this house." A similar saying followed me right into med school and residency called "leave your feelings at the door." And while it seemed like at some point in my life, I was great at compartmentalizing my feelings, what I later discovered is that I wasn't c...
A MAJOR Gap in Organizational Leadership Training, & Development: Knowledge About vs. Application of…
Maiysha Claiborne MD
Dr Maiysha
This week I've had two conversations with colleagues about a phenomenon that I've been noticing with organizations with whom I've been connecting. That is the gap between learning about and the application of… I have had more than a few conversations with leaders lately that often want to share with me the robust trainings they have provided for th...
Psychological Safety as an Equity Practice: Fostering Inclusivity and Well-being
Maiysha Claiborne MD
Dr Maiysha
In the rapidly evolving landscape of modern workplaces, the concepts of psychological safety and equity have emerged as cornerstones for creating a thriving environment. Psychological safety, often associated with open communication and risk-taking without fear of negative consequences, has gained significant attention. However, its connection to e...
Unveiling the Drama Triangle in the Corporate Dynamics: Are you the Critical Parent, Rebellious Sibling, or Submissive Child
Maiysha Claiborne MD
Dr Maiysha
Growing up in my family, I was the oldest of 3 children. My sister directly younger than me was 5 and a half years younger and the youngest 9 years my junior. I didn't know it at the time, but we all had specific "roles" that we played. Similarly, my mom had her role too. It wasn't until I was well into college studying psychology that I realized t...
Nurturing Psychological Safety: Cultivating Growth and Harmony in the Corporate Garden
Maiysha Claiborne MD
Dr Maiysha
Imagine a lush garden where every plant stretches towards the sun, thriving in an environment that encourages growth and authenticity. This is what psychological safety makes possible in corporate culture. Psychological safety, much like a greenhouse, holds the key to employee well-being, satisfaction, and productivity. Let's explore the essence of...
Continuing to Expand Ourselves as Experts
Maiysha Claiborne MD
Dr Maiysha
 Even as a subject matter expert with over 2 decades of experience, after each keynote, workshop, and training I still take the mindset of eternal student. In order for me to continue to elevate myself as a speaker, I must always maintain a beginner's mind. Last month I presented two workshops at the 21st Century Community Center's 21st Annual...
Maiysha Claiborne MD
Dr Maiysha
I get a lot of questions about NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) coaching and how it compares to ICF (International Coach Federation) coaching. I'm super excited to give you the lowdown and share why NLP coaching brings some unique advantages to the table. First off, let's acknowledge that both NLP coaching and ICF coaching are fantastic approache...