(404) 793-0011 | drmaiysha@drmaiysha.com

3 More Actions That Destroy Psychological Safety (Part 2)
Maiysha Claiborne MD
Dr Maiysha
"What destroys trust is when a hospital says 'we value you' and then in the same breath asks you to justify your worth by doing additional work unpaid" ~ Dr. A As physicians, we are committed to providing the highest quality of care and safety to our patients. However, it is difficult for a physician / healthcare worker to bring their best self whe...
3 Actions That Destroy Psychological Safety In Healthcare
Maiysha Claiborne MD
Dr Maiysha
 "In medicine, vulnerability is considered weak. We are told things like 'leave your feelings at the door'. There are no room for mistakes, and God forbid we do not know the answers to something… then our entire 12 + years of training is questioned. It's just not safe to be anything other than perfect as a physician" ~ Dr. C As physicians, we ...
The Ways In Which We (Are Conditioned to) De-Prioritize Ourselves And the Path to Restoration
Maiysha Claiborne MD
Dr Maiysha
 As a physician, I was conditioned to put myself last. This long-standing tendency likely began way before I hit medical school, but certainly my training reinforced it. I was an oldest child personality natural born caretaker, and while medical school reinforced this personality trait, residency exploited it. "The patient comes first", "Eat w...
The Importance of the Words We Use
Maiysha Claiborne MD
Dr Maiysha
I often say that Communication is 7% what you say and 93% everything else. But that doesn't mean words aren't important. In fact, they are incredibly important. Words are the encodings of our thoughts and feelings. Furthermore, the way we use words create pictures in the minds of others, which can imply or create meaning depending on how we use our...
The Trap of Making Psychological Safety a “Trend”
Maiysha Claiborne MD
Dr Maiysha
Like many other important initiatives and movements, psychological safety is becoming a trend. However, as seen with other movements, it doesn't take long for people to begin misusing terms and using them to center themselves and manipulate others taking it from an important issue to a weaponized land mine. This is because with psychological safety...
The Silent Resignation: How Lack of Psychological Safety Contributes to Quiet Quitting
Maiysha Claiborne MD
Dr Maiysha
Quiet quitting is a subtle, but significant, problem that many organizations are grappling with today. Unlike traditional resignations where employees formally submit their notice, quiet quitting happens under the radar. Employees who quietly quit become disenchanted, disengage from their work, withdraw from collaboration, reduce their productivity...
5 Ways to Care For Yourself During (and After) Difficult Conversations
Maiysha Claiborne MD
Dr Maiysha
As a recovering conflict-avoidant, people-pleasing, feelings-avoidant introvert, having difficult conversations can be extremely challenging before, during, and afterwards. If in addition to that one happens to also be a highly sensitive processor who feels their feelings very deeply when they do surface, the experience feels that much more painful...
Evolving Your Leadership: 3 Things that Will Help Make You a Psychologically Safe Leader
Maiysha Claiborne MD
Dr Maiysha
Leading is hard and there is no handbook. Yet, growing research is showing that the old ways of leading are not as effective and more likely to be harmful to our employees over time. However, the evidence shows that even if the employee becomes successful, there are both long-term mental and relationship consequences to this approach. There is grow...
Why Hospitals Should Be Centering Psychological Safety in Healthcare
Maiysha Claiborne MD
Dr Maiysha
In previous articles I have talked about psychological safety in the context of combating mistrust in healthcare from historically marginalized populations, however, what's not always obvious is the positive impact that cultivating psychological safety can have on physicians and healthcare providers. Physician well-being is a critical (but not alwa...
Maiysha Claiborne MD
Dr Maiysha
I get a lot of questions about NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) coaching and how it compares to ICF (International Coach Federation) coaching. I'm super excited to give you the lowdown and share why NLP coaching brings some unique advantages to the table. First off, let's acknowledge that both NLP coaching and ICF coaching are fantastic approache...