(404) 793-0011 | drmaiysha@drmaiysha.com

The Mind-Body Connection & Why Your Words Matter
Maiysha Claiborne MD
Dr Maiysha
One of the key themes in the foundational part of my NLP training is the importance of the mind-body connection. We know from research that neurotransmitters bathe every cell of the body. Additionally, the mind's influence on the body has also been documented in research. However, what has not always been talked about are the subtle tapes that we a...
Are you at the Source or the Effect of Your Life?
Maiysha Claiborne MD
Dr Maiysha
One of the major themes I teach in my NLP training is that of cause and effect. Oftentimes in our lives it's easy to exist like we are at the effect of every circumstance in our lives. In fact, it's the most comfortable place to be, isn't it? People say, "I'm just a product of my environment" , "It is what it is.." What we fail to realize in these ...
The Communication of Listening
Maiysha Claiborne MD
Dr Maiysha
Being heard not unlike other emotional needs is a crucial part of the connection in human beings. It has been said that 90% of problems in communication come from the need to be listened to. When an individual has the experience of not being heard or understood, they will either speak and act in ways that get them heard, or conversely, they may tur...
Why Parents Should Learn Hypnosis
Maiysha Claiborne MD
Dr Maiysha
Tonight my son asked me to do something for him. A few weeks ago Delsyn woke up in fright and called out my name "Mommy!!!" he screamed. I ran to his room and as I comforted him he told me that he had had a nightmare. As he laid back down, he said to me "Mommy, I don't think I can go back to sleep". So, I said to him, "let's try...
Thinking Deeper About How and What We Are Communicating
Maiysha Claiborne MD
Dr Maiysha
One of the things that NLP Training teaches us is flexibility in communicating. When you learn NLP, you learn to not only be flexible in how you communicate with others, but you also expand your listening so that you can hear beyond the words that a person is speaking and get their world. Becoming more flexible communicators will not only help...
Emotions are an Unconscious Phenomenon but that Doesn't Mean We Cannot be Conscious About Them
Maiysha Claiborne MD
Dr Maiysha
Did you know that emotion is an unconscious mind phenomenon? We may have heard of people around us telling us to control our emotions even in situations where we feel like bursting out. Today's discussion would be focusing on how we can begin to consciously control how we react even in the face of the unconscious feelings that we feel. The unconsci...
Can Learning NLP & Hypnosis Be Useful Even If I Don’t Want to Be a Coach?
Maiysha Claiborne MD
Dr Maiysha
 A common question my clients and prospective students ask me is if you have to be a doctor, therapist, or coach to learn hypnosis and NLP. While I do tend to have a lot of physicians, therapists, coaches, and healthcare professionals in my training (by the sheer fact that I, myself, am a physician), my training contains pr...
Dispelling the Myths of Hypnosis
Maiysha Claiborne MD
Dr Maiysha
In the near decade since I became NLP Practitioner and Hypnotherapist, the biggest obstacle that I've encountered in this work is people's general lack of knowledge about the field. Most people only know about NLP and Hypnosis from what is shown on television, on street shows, or what they hear from people who have never personally experienced it b...
Where you put your words matters
Maiysha Claiborne MD
Dr Maiysha
When we have some goals or plans, we often set our focus on two things either on the things that we want to or those that we don't want. While we have our own freedom to choose either of the two, we must be mindful of what leads us more to abetter result. One that will protect our mental outlook.It has been said over again that our words matter. An...
My Therapist has both Hypnosis and NLP Training, and That’s the Reason I Chose Her
Maiysha Claiborne MD
Dr Maiysha
I have often been asked by therapist what value having NLP training bring to their practice. Similarly, I've been asked by my personal transformation clients, can doing the work of NLP improve my therapy. Let me first share why choosing a therapist who has had NLP training or hypnosis training could not only enhance your experience but also deepen ...