(404) 793-0011 | drmaiysha@drmaiysha.com

Are You A Highly Sensitive Person? (Or Do You Know One?)
Maiysha Claiborne MD
Dr Maiysha
Being highly sensitive is a neurological experience that often goes unrecognized, yet it profoundly shapes the lives of those who manage it day to day. This blog explores the intricacies of high sensitivity, its neurological underpinnings, and the unique experiences of highly sensitive individuals. Understanding High Sensitivity High sensitivity, o...
NLP Parents Know Their Child
Maiysha Claiborne MD
Dr Maiysha
Every night before my son goes to bed there is one thing he MUST have. That is "mommy lap time". This specifically is when he hops on my lap, nuzzles his head in my neck, and gives me a koala bear hug. He's been that way for as long as I can remember... and he will tell you that he cannot go to sleep without his hug and kiss from Mommy. My son's lo...
Unconscious Mind Memories
Maiysha Claiborne MD
Dr Maiysha
Can you think of some moments in your life when you were able to remember things as clearly as it was yesterday? It is in the ways that our unconscious mind processes memory that where we will be focusing on in this episode. The unconscious mind represses unresolved negative emotions. It is the actual repression of the content of the memory based o...
The Communication of Listening
Maiysha Claiborne MD
Dr Maiysha
Being heard not unlike other emotional needs is a crucial part of the connection in human beings. It has been said that 90% of problems in communication come from the need to be listened to. When an individual has the experience of not being heard or understood, they will either speak and act in ways that get them heard, or conversely, they may tur...
Shifting from Either or to Embracing Complexity: A Necessary Mindset Shift for Transformation
Maiysha Claiborne MD
Dr Maiysha
 Binary thinking, also known as black-and-white, dualistic and either/or thinking, refers to the tendency to perceive issues in a simplistic, all-or-nothing manner, with no middle ground or shades of gray. While binary thinking can be useful in certain situations, such as making quick decisions in emergencies, it can also have harmful conseque...
The Unconscious Mind: How to Transform Yourself
Maiysha Claiborne MD
Dr Maiysha
Transformation really happens on the unconscious level. People act the way they do because people learn how to be a certain way on an unconscious level. There can be no change if we don't begin to get at this at the UNCONSCIOUS level when the consciousness has NOT SHIFTED. What Does it Take to Make a Transformation? #1 Being Open To the Existence o...
Protect Your Peace This Holiday Season: 7 Mind ReMapping Tools to Help You Take Care Of Yourself Mentally & Emotionally
Maiysha Claiborne MD
Dr Maiysha
The holidays can be a time of connection, but they can also be a time of activation, trauma, and grief. For many, this is a time for interacting with family, and for others celebrating the holiday without a loved one for the first time. If dealing with family, it is typical that certain family dynamics will arise, and buttons will get pushed which ...
How NLP Improves Communication
Maiysha Claiborne MD
Dr Maiysha
Did you know that words represent only 7% of our communication? Most people think that they are communicating well if they're saying the right words, in the right way. While being conscious of our words is important, if you are depending on only words For communication, you are missing 93% of the picture. Furthermore, most people think of communica...
Is Lack of Psychological Safety Driving Away Your Best Talent?
Maiysha Claiborne MD
Dr Maiysha
In the ever-evolving landscape of modern workplaces, employee retention has become a paramount concern for organizations across industries. A key factor in determining whether employees stay, or leave is whether they feel safe in their environment. Most organizations focus on physical safety. However, an overlooked, often under-appreciated equally ...
The Complexity of Trauma
Maiysha Claiborne MD
Dr Maiysha
I saw a post in my feed today, and it said, "Sometimes it hurts too much to feel". The next post across my feed was about the "privilege of turning off one's feelings" followed by a "how dare you!" sentiment. I understand that this was meant for certain people in a certain context, however, one thing was clear. It doesn't take into consideration th...