(404) 793-0011 | drmaiysha@drmaiysha.com

3 Things To Do To Get Your Biz Together
Maiysha Claiborne MD
Dr Maiysha
Five things you need to do to streamline your business so that you don't end up a scattered mess with no direction. I don't know if you've ever ordered anything from Ikea, but if you have, you know that it can be quite frustrating. You have a vision for a living space, you find the perfect furniture, so you order it and pick it up. You open the box...
5 Things to Grow Your Biz
Maiysha Claiborne MD
Dr Maiysha
Today, I want to share with you the five shifts that I had to take in order to transform my failures into successes. If you are the way I was when I first started my business, you probably have a lot of information you don't exactly know what to do with. I used to read a lot of books, listen to CDs, join Facebook groups, take courses, read articles...
Green Screen 101
Maiysha Claiborne MD
Dr Maiysha
I'm here to show you my green screen game! I know there are a lot of great high-production videos out there, but this is for you if you are just getting started and you want to keep it simple.  #1 Setting Up Your Green Screen  Getting a Green Screen and Installing It You don't need a luxury studio to set up your green screen. I have a sma...
Creating Your Process
Maiysha Claiborne MD
Dr Maiysha
Process is the bridge between idea and action. Here are four things you need to solidify your processes, so you can take clear and effective action that will lead to rapid results in your business and life.  Click Here & Register for "Re-Map Your Mind For Success" Free Online Training​ The Process  A process is a strategy. A path...
Belief to Action: The Process
Maiysha Claiborne MD
Dr Maiysha
How many ideas have you had that you never implemented for one reason or another? I'm gonna break down for you the anatomy of rapid results. We all know someone that always comes up with a great business or creative idea, and the next thing you know they have actually executed the idea. Meanwhile, you are still struggling with that first idea… or w...
Positive Expectation
Maiysha Claiborne MD
Dr Maiysha
Ever wondered what's behind the placebo effect? How can some people just say what they want and then have it show up for them? Like that friend who says they never get sick and actually never get sick, or that person that raves and talks about how they want a certain thing or goal, and some time later what they wished for pops up in their life. You...
Exercise: Stepping Into a New State of Mind
Maiysha Claiborne MD
Dr Maiysha
It's time to step into a new state of mind today with a technique called "anchoring". This is a powerful quick-fix technique to be able to change your state any time you need to in order to complete a task. Join me as I guide you through this exercise now.​ If you want help starting your telemedicine, integrative medicine, coaching, consulting or c...
Dealing With Failure
Maiysha Claiborne MD
Dr Maiysha
How do you deal with failure? We make up a lot of things about it. We make up what it means, and what it means about us. We surround it with a lot of negative emotions and limiting beliefs. In this video, I'm going to talk about how do you really handle failure in your life, and how to get rid of the negativity surrounding it. ​ Ready for positive ...
When You Are Feeling Lost, Remember This
Maiysha Claiborne MD
Dr Maiysha
Have you ever been in a situation in which you had something very important to say, and instead of saying it you just froze? ...Or have you ever experienced being more irritable when you didn't eat or sleep in a long time?​ Your State​ One of the reasons that mindfulness is so effective is that it helps people get control over their state. Now, whe...
Listening To Your Inner Voice
Maiysha Claiborne MD
Dr Maiysha
We have all the resources we need to succeed. I remember the very first time I took a call in residency. My senior resident told me that she had my back… but I couldn't stop being scared. We admitted 16 patients that night, and all the processes and responsibilities felt so new and scary. At some point I just realized I wasn't going to sleep at all...